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Light OJ -- 1028(circle_in_square)

Think about the prime factor of an number;

So, if number is 9 is eligible for 3,9
9 is base 2=1001
9 is base 3=100
9 is base 4=21
9 is base 5=14
9 is base 6=13
9 is base 7=12
9 is base 8=11
9 is base 9=10
But not gain any zero at last position
9 is base 10=9
///Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim
///Author:Tanvir Ahmmad
///CSE,Islamic University,Bangladesh
#include <functional> ///sort(arr,arr+n,greater<int>()) for decrement of array
/*every external angle sum=360 degree
  angle find using polygon hand(n) ((n-2)*180)/n*/
///Floor[Log(b)  N] + 1 = the number of digits when any number is represented in base b
using namespace std;
typedef long long ll;
typedef long long unsigned llu;
#define M 1000010
ll vis[M+2]= {0},arr[M+2],k=0;
void prime()
    for(ll i=3; i<M; i+=2)
            for(ll j=i*i; j<=M; j+=i+i)
    for(ll i=3; i<=M; i+=2)
int main()
    ll tst;
    ll num;
    for(ll j=1; j<=tst; j++)
        ll sum=1;
        for(ll i=0; i<=M && arr[i]*arr[i]<=num; i++)
                ll cnt=0;
        if(num!=1) sum*=2;
        printf("Case %lld: %lld\n",j,sum-1);
    return 0;

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