Problem Name: 1561. Maximum Number of Coins You Can Get Problem Link: Difficulty: Medium Tag: Sorting | Array | Math | Greedy | Sorting | Game theory Language: C# | C++ OJ: LeetCode Algorithm: Sort the Piles: Sort the array of piles in descending order, so that the piles with the maximum number of coins are at the beginning. Calculate the Total Number of Piles to Collect From: Determine the total number of piles you can collect coins from based on the rule that for every three consecutive piles, you can only pick coins from two of them. Set this value to 2/3 of the total number of piles. Iterate Through Piles and Collect Coins: Start iterating through the sorted piles from the second pile (index 1) and continue up to the calculated total number of piles to collect from. In each iteration, collect the coins from the current pile. Since you can only collect coins from every second pile, use a step of ...
I am Tanvir Ahmmad from Bangladesh. Working as a competitive programmer. It will be very pleasure to help you. Happy coding...